Population structure¶
With the advent of SNP data it is possible to precisely infer the genetic distance across individuals or populations. As written in the book, one way of doing it is by comparing each SNP from each individual against every other individual. This comparison produces the so called: covariance matrix, which in genetic terms means the number of shared polymorphisms across individuals.
There are many ways to visualize this data, in this tutorial you will be exposed to Principal Component Analysis
and Admixture
We will use the R package SNPRelate
, which can easily handle vcf files and do the PCA. If you want to explore a bit more on the functionality of the package access here.
How to make this notebook work¶
- In this notebook we will use both the
command line bash
commands andR
to setup the file folders. - Having to shift between two languages, you need to choose a kernel every time we shift from one language to another. A kernel contains a programming language and the necessary packages to run the course material. To choose a kernel, go on the menu on the top of the page and select
Kernel --> Change Kernel
, and then select the preferred one. We will shift between two kernels, and along the code in this notebook you will see a picture telling you to change kernel. The two pictures are below:
Shift to the Bash
Shift to the popgen course
- You can run the code in each cell by clicking on the run cell sign in the toolbar, or simply by pressing Shift+Enter. When the code is done running, a small green check sign will appear on the left side.
- You need to run the cells in sequential order to execute the analysis. Please do not run a cell until the one above is done running, and do not skip any cells
- The code goes along with textual descriptions to help you understand what happens. Please try not to focus on understanding the code itself in too much detail - but rather try to focus on the explanations and on the output of the commands
- You can create new code cells by pressing
in the Menu bar above or by pressing B after you select a cell.
Learning outcomes¶
At the end of this tutorial you will be able to
- Extract information from a
file and create a PCA projection - Apply LD pruning to reveal population structure
Setting up folders¶
Here we setup a link to the Data
folder and creagte the Results
Choose the Bash
ln -s ../../Data
mkdir -p Results
gunzip -ck Data/vcf/Allvariants_135_145_chr2.vcf.gz > Results/Allvariants_135_145_chr2.vcf
PCA from VCF data file¶
Shift to the popgen course
Loading required package: gdsfmt SNPRelate -- supported by Streaming SIMD Extensions 2 (SSE2)
Import data and calculate PCA¶
We read the metadata about the samples (geographic locations) and transform the vcf
file into gds
format, from which the package SNPRelate
can calculate the PCA projection of the data.
# Reading the metadata information
info = read.csv("Data/metadata/sample_infos_accessionnb.csv", header = T, sep = ';')
# Setting the directory of the VCF file
vcf.fn <- "Results/Allvariants_135_145_chr2.vcf"
# Transforming the vcf file to gds format
snpgdsVCF2GDS(vcf.fn, "Results/Allvariants_135_145_chr2_2.gds", method="biallelic.only")
#Read the file and calculate the PCA
genofile <- snpgdsOpen("Results/Allvariants_135_145_chr2_2.gds", FALSE, TRUE, TRUE)
pca <- snpgdsPCA(genofile)
Start file conversion from VCF to SNP GDS ... Method: extracting biallelic SNPs Number of samples: 27 Parsing "Results/Allvariants_135_145_chr2.vcf" ... import 49868 variants. + genotype { Bit2 27x49868, 328.7K } * Optimize the access efficiency ... Clean up the fragments of GDS file: open the file 'Results/Allvariants_135_145_chr2_2.gds' (519.6K) # of fragments: 50 save to 'Results/Allvariants_135_145_chr2_2.gds.tmp' rename 'Results/Allvariants_135_145_chr2_2.gds.tmp' (519.3K, reduced: 360B) # of fragments: 20 Principal Component Analysis (PCA) on genotypes: Excluding 0 SNP on non-autosomes Excluding 397 SNPs (monomorphic: TRUE, MAF: NaN, missing rate: NaN) # of samples: 27 # of SNPs: 49,471 using 1 thread # of principal components: 32 PCA: the sum of all selected genotypes (0,1,2) = 2250084 CPU capabilities: Double-Precision SSE2 Tue Feb 28 15:10:26 2023 (internal increment: 101792) [==================================================] 100%, completed, 0s Tue Feb 28 15:10:26 2023 Begin (eigenvalues and eigenvectors) Tue Feb 28 15:10:26 2023 Done.
Length Class Mode sample.id 27 -none- character snp.id 49471 -none- numeric eigenval 27 -none- numeric eigenvect 729 -none- numeric varprop 27 -none- numeric TraceXTX 1 -none- numeric Bayesian 1 -none- logical genmat 0 -none- NULL
Q.1 How many individuals and snps does this dataset have? What is an eigenvector and an eigenvalue?
The pca
object just created is a list containing various elements.
- 'Bayesian'
- 'eigenval'
- 'eigenvect'
- 'genmat'
- 'sample.id'
- 'snp.id'
- 'TraceXTX'
- 'varprop'
We use pca$eigenvect
to plot the PCA. We extract also pca$sample.id
to match the geographic locations in the metadata with the samples in pca
eigenvectors = as.data.frame(pca$eigenvect[,1:5])
colnames(eigenvectors) = as.vector(sprintf("PC%s", seq(1:ncol(eigenvectors))))
pca$sample.id = sub("_chr2_piece_dedup", "", pca$sample.id)
# Matching the sample names with their origin and population
rownames(info) <- info[,"ENA.RUN"]
eigenvectors <- cbind(eigenvectors, info[pca$sample.id, c("population","region")])
In the end, we have created a table called eigenvectors
containing the PCA coordinates and some metadata
PC1 | PC2 | PC3 | PC4 | PC5 | population | region | |
<dbl> | <dbl> | <dbl> | <dbl> | <dbl> | <chr> | <chr> | |
ERR1019039 | -0.08797594 | -0.09112105 | -0.018765738 | -0.009707983 | -0.034487827 | Naxi | EastAsia |
ERR1019060 | -0.08922936 | -0.12111275 | -0.069492271 | -0.002468963 | -0.053851009 | Miao | EastAsia |
ERR1019074 | -0.07715339 | -0.08393755 | -0.031730341 | -0.005722997 | -0.057211803 | Japanese | EastAsia |
ERR1019075 | 0.63590783 | -0.18486541 | 0.026214440 | -0.056798669 | 0.051522054 | Ju_hoan_North | Africa |
ERR1019076 | 0.66123851 | -0.21762437 | 0.003079055 | 0.069235635 | 0.005858126 | Ju_hoan_North | Africa |
ERR1025598 | -0.08093083 | -0.10223892 | -0.023168510 | -0.021349088 | -0.059966252 | Atayal | EastAsia |
Let's first look at how much of the variance of the data is explained by each eigenvector:
# Variance proportion:
pca$pca_percent <- pca$varprop*100
ggplot( NULL, aes(x=seq(1, length(pca$eigenval)), y=pca$pca_percent, label=sprintf("%0.2f", round(pca$pca_percent, digits = 2))) ) +
geom_line() + geom_point() +
geom_text(nudge_y = .3, nudge_x = 1.5, check_overlap = T)
Q.2 How many PC's do we need in order to explain 50% of the variance of the data? Can you make an accumulative plot of the variance explained PC?
We plot now the first two PCA coordinates and label them by Population, with color by region. We can see how only africans are separated from the rest, but the PCA is quite confused and cannot distinguish EastAsia and WestEurasia.
ggplot(data = eigenvectors, aes(x = PC1, y = PC2, col = region)) +
geom_point(size=3,alpha=0.5) + geom_text( aes(label=population), col="black") +
scale_color_manual(values = c("#FF1BB3","#A7FF5B","#99554D")) +
Q.3 Try to plot PC2 and PC3. Do you see the same patterns? What is the correlation between PC2 and PC3 (hint use the function cor())?
Q.4 Try also to color the graph based on population. What do you observe?
LD pruning¶
We implement LD pruning to eliminate those SNPs that are in high linkage disequilibrium, so that we avoid highly correlated SNPs that would alter our PCA. We end up keeping a handful of SNPs, but the population structure is now much more clear.
# This function prune the snps with a thrshold of maximum 0.3 of LD
snpset <- snpgdsLDpruning(genofile, ld.threshold=0.3)
# Get all selected snp's ids
snpset.id <- unlist(snpset)
pca_pruned <- snpgdsPCA(genofile, snp.id=snpset.id, num.thread=2)
#add metadata
eigenvectors = as.data.frame(pca_pruned$eigenvect)
colnames(eigenvectors) = as.vector(sprintf("PC%s", seq(1:nrow(pca$eigenvect))))
pca_pruned$sample.id = sub("_chr2_piece_dedup", "", pca$sample.id)
eigenvectors <- cbind(eigenvectors, info[pca$sample.id, c("population","region")])
ggplot(data = eigenvectors, aes(x = PC3, y = PC2, col = region, label=population)) +
geom_text(hjust=1, vjust=0, angle=45) +
geom_point(size=3,alpha=0.5) +
scale_color_manual(values = c("#FF1BB3","#A7FF5B","#99554D")) +
theme_bw() + coord_flip()
Error in snpgdsLDpruning(genofile, ld.threshold = 0.3): could not find function "snpgdsLDpruning" Traceback:
Q.5 Implement different LD thresholds (0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5). How many SNPs are left after each filtering threshold? Are these SNPs linked?
Now we are going to convert this GDS file into a plink format, to be later used in the admixture exercise:
snpgdsGDS2BED(genofile, "Results/chr2_135_145_flt_prunned.gds", sample.id=NULL, snp.id=snpset.id, snpfirstdim=NULL, verbose=TRUE)
Converting from GDS to PLINK binary PED: Working space: 27 samples, 607 SNPs Output a BIM file. Output a BED file ... Tue Feb 28 15:10:28 2023 0% Tue Feb 28 15:10:28 2023 100% Done.
Save the data for later
save(pca, pca_pruned, info, genofile, file = "Results/data.Rdata")
Admixture Estimation¶
Choose the Bash
is a program for estimating ancestry in a model based manner from SNP genotype datasets, where individuals are unrelated. The input format required by the software is in binary PLINK (.bed
) file. That is why we converted our vcf file into .bed
Now with adjusted format and pruned snps, we are ready to run the admixture analysis. We believe that our individuals are derived from three ancestral populations:
admixture Results/chr2_135_145_flt_prunned.gds.bed 3
#move output files with other results
mv chr2_135_145_flt_prunned.gds.3.P chr2_135_145_flt_prunned.gds.3.Q Results/
**** ADMIXTURE Version 1.3.0 **** **** Copyright 2008-2015 **** **** David Alexander, Suyash Shringarpure, **** **** John Novembre, Ken Lange **** **** **** **** Please cite our paper! **** **** Information at www.genetics.ucla.edu/software/admixture **** Random seed: 43 Point estimation method: Block relaxation algorithm Convergence acceleration algorithm: QuasiNewton, 3 secant conditions Point estimation will terminate when objective function delta < 0.0001 Estimation of standard errors disabled; will compute point estimates only. Size of G: 27x607 Performing five EM steps to prime main algorithm 1 (EM) Elapsed: 0.002 Loglikelihood: -6472.91 (delta): 19992 2 (EM) Elapsed: 0.001 Loglikelihood: -6018.01 (delta): 454.903 3 (EM) Elapsed: 0.001 Loglikelihood: -5911.84 (delta): 106.168 4 (EM) Elapsed: 0.001 Loglikelihood: -5852.32 (delta): 59.5197 5 (EM) Elapsed: 0.001 Loglikelihood: -5812.44 (delta): 39.8764 Initial loglikelihood: -5812.44 Starting main algorithm 1 (QN/Block) Elapsed: 0.004 Loglikelihood: -5540.34 (delta): 272.101 2 (QN/Block) Elapsed: 0.003 Loglikelihood: -5473.39 (delta): 66.9472 3 (QN/Block) Elapsed: 0.003 Loglikelihood: -5452.41 (delta): 20.981 4 (QN/Block) Elapsed: 0.004 Loglikelihood: -5415.6 (delta): 36.8176 5 (QN/Block) Elapsed: 0.004 Loglikelihood: -5411.06 (delta): 4.53634 6 (QN/Block) Elapsed: 0.004 Loglikelihood: -5410.85 (delta): 0.210446 7 (QN/Block) Elapsed: 0.004 Loglikelihood: -5410.83 (delta): 0.0145321 8 (QN/Block) Elapsed: 0.003 Loglikelihood: -5410.82 (delta): 0.0110643 9 (QN/Block) Elapsed: 0.003 Loglikelihood: -5410.82 (delta): 7.50908e-06 Summary: Converged in 9 iterations (0.046 sec) Loglikelihood: -5410.823587 Fst divergences between estimated populations: Pop0 Pop1 Pop0 Pop1 0.106 Pop2 0.111 0.076 Writing output files.
Q.6 Have a look at the Fst across populations, that is printed in the terminal. Would you guess which populations are Pop0, Pop1 and Pop2 referring to?
After running admixture, 2 outputs are generated:
: the ancestry fractionsP
: the allele frequencies of the inferred ancestral populations
Sometimes we may have no priori about K
, one good way of choosing the best K
is by doing a cross-validation procedure impletemented in admixture as follow:
for K in 1 2 3 4 5
admixture --cv Results/chr2_135_145_flt_prunned.gds.bed $K | tee log${K}.out
mv chr2_135_145_flt_prunned.gds.$K.* log$K.out Results/
**** ADMIXTURE Version 1.3.0 **** **** Copyright 2008-2015 **** **** David Alexander, Suyash Shringarpure, **** **** John Novembre, Ken Lange **** **** **** **** Please cite our paper! **** **** Information at www.genetics.ucla.edu/software/admixture **** Cross-validation will be performed. Folds=5. Random seed: 43 Point estimation method: Block relaxation algorithm Convergence acceleration algorithm: QuasiNewton, 3 secant conditions Point estimation will terminate when objective function delta < 0.0001 Estimation of standard errors disabled; will compute point estimates only. Size of G: 27x607 Performing five EM steps to prime main algorithm 1 (EM) Elapsed: 0 Loglikelihood: -6143.9 (delta): 27247.3 2 (EM) Elapsed: 0 Loglikelihood: -6143.9 (delta): 0 3 (EM) Elapsed: 0 Loglikelihood: -6143.9 (delta): 0 4 (EM) Elapsed: 0 Loglikelihood: -6143.9 (delta): 0 5 (EM) Elapsed: 0 Loglikelihood: -6143.9 (delta): 0 Initial loglikelihood: -6143.9 Starting main algorithm 1 (QN/Block) Elapsed: 0.003 Loglikelihood: -6143.9 (delta): 0 Summary: Converged in 1 iterations (0.008 sec) Loglikelihood: -6143.903245 CV error (K=1): 0.46577 Writing output files. **** ADMIXTURE Version 1.3.0 **** **** Copyright 2008-2015 **** **** David Alexander, Suyash Shringarpure, **** **** John Novembre, Ken Lange **** **** **** **** Please cite our paper! **** **** Information at www.genetics.ucla.edu/software/admixture **** Cross-validation will be performed. Folds=5. Random seed: 43 Point estimation method: Block relaxation algorithm Convergence acceleration algorithm: QuasiNewton, 3 secant conditions Point estimation will terminate when objective function delta < 0.0001 Estimation of standard errors disabled; will compute point estimates only. Size of G: 27x607 Performing five EM steps to prime main algorithm 1 (EM) Elapsed: 0.001 Loglikelihood: -6358.93 (delta): 22099.5 2 (EM) Elapsed: 0.001 Loglikelihood: -6014.91 (delta): 344.022 3 (EM) Elapsed: 0.001 Loglikelihood: -5951.15 (delta): 63.7605 4 (EM) Elapsed: 0.001 Loglikelihood: -5919.8 (delta): 31.3513 5 (EM) Elapsed: 0.001 Loglikelihood: -5902.8 (delta): 16.9956 Initial loglikelihood: -5902.8 Starting main algorithm 1 (QN/Block) Elapsed: 0.003 Loglikelihood: -5753.37 (delta): 149.435 2 (QN/Block) Elapsed: 0.003 Loglikelihood: -5739.88 (delta): 13.4889 3 (QN/Block) Elapsed: 0.004 Loglikelihood: -5739.28 (delta): 0.596336 4 (QN/Block) Elapsed: 0.002 Loglikelihood: -5739.28 (delta): 0.000105608 5 (QN/Block) Elapsed: 0.002 Loglikelihood: -5739.28 (delta): 0 Summary: Converged in 5 iterations (0.029 sec) Loglikelihood: -5739.284680 Fst divergences between estimated populations: Pop0 Pop0 Pop1 0.033 CV error (K=2): 0.47280 Writing output files. **** ADMIXTURE Version 1.3.0 **** **** Copyright 2008-2015 **** **** David Alexander, Suyash Shringarpure, **** **** John Novembre, Ken Lange **** **** **** **** Please cite our paper! **** **** Information at www.genetics.ucla.edu/software/admixture **** Cross-validation will be performed. Folds=5. Random seed: 43 Point estimation method: Block relaxation algorithm Convergence acceleration algorithm: QuasiNewton, 3 secant conditions Point estimation will terminate when objective function delta < 0.0001 Estimation of standard errors disabled; will compute point estimates only. Size of G: 27x607 Performing five EM steps to prime main algorithm 1 (EM) Elapsed: 0.002 Loglikelihood: -6472.91 (delta): 19992 2 (EM) Elapsed: 0.001 Loglikelihood: -6018.01 (delta): 454.903 3 (EM) Elapsed: 0.001 Loglikelihood: -5911.84 (delta): 106.168 4 (EM) Elapsed: 0.001 Loglikelihood: -5852.32 (delta): 59.5197 5 (EM) Elapsed: 0.001 Loglikelihood: -5812.44 (delta): 39.8764 Initial loglikelihood: -5812.44 Starting main algorithm 1 (QN/Block) Elapsed: 0.004 Loglikelihood: -5540.34 (delta): 272.101 2 (QN/Block) Elapsed: 0.003 Loglikelihood: -5473.39 (delta): 66.9472 3 (QN/Block) Elapsed: 0.003 Loglikelihood: -5452.41 (delta): 20.981 4 (QN/Block) Elapsed: 0.004 Loglikelihood: -5415.6 (delta): 36.8176 5 (QN/Block) Elapsed: 0.004 Loglikelihood: -5411.06 (delta): 4.53634 6 (QN/Block) Elapsed: 0.004 Loglikelihood: -5410.85 (delta): 0.210446 7 (QN/Block) Elapsed: 0.003 Loglikelihood: -5410.83 (delta): 0.0145321 8 (QN/Block) Elapsed: 0.003 Loglikelihood: -5410.82 (delta): 0.0110643 9 (QN/Block) Elapsed: 0.003 Loglikelihood: -5410.82 (delta): 7.50908e-06 Summary: Converged in 9 iterations (0.045 sec) Loglikelihood: -5410.823587 Fst divergences between estimated populations: Pop0 Pop1 Pop0 Pop1 0.106 Pop2 0.111 0.076 CV error (K=3): 0.50909 Writing output files. **** ADMIXTURE Version 1.3.0 **** **** Copyright 2008-2015 **** **** David Alexander, Suyash Shringarpure, **** **** John Novembre, Ken Lange **** **** **** **** Please cite our paper! **** **** Information at www.genetics.ucla.edu/software/admixture **** Cross-validation will be performed. Folds=5. Random seed: 43 Point estimation method: Block relaxation algorithm Convergence acceleration algorithm: QuasiNewton, 3 secant conditions Point estimation will terminate when objective function delta < 0.0001 Estimation of standard errors disabled; will compute point estimates only. Size of G: 27x607 Performing five EM steps to prime main algorithm 1 (EM) Elapsed: 0.002 Loglikelihood: -6418.87 (delta): 19051.7 2 (EM) Elapsed: 0.002 Loglikelihood: -5912.82 (delta): 506.048 3 (EM) Elapsed: 0.002 Loglikelihood: -5792.22 (delta): 120.601 4 (EM) Elapsed: 0.002 Loglikelihood: -5726.74 (delta): 65.485 5 (EM) Elapsed: 0.001 Loglikelihood: -5681.78 (delta): 44.9628 Initial loglikelihood: -5681.78 Starting main algorithm 1 (QN/Block) Elapsed: 0.004 Loglikelihood: -5359.33 (delta): 322.44 2 (QN/Block) Elapsed: 0.004 Loglikelihood: -5273.12 (delta): 86.2136 3 (QN/Block) Elapsed: 0.004 Loglikelihood: -5240.2 (delta): 32.9201 4 (QN/Block) Elapsed: 0.004 Loglikelihood: -5232.44 (delta): 7.75708 5 (QN/Block) Elapsed: 0.004 Loglikelihood: -5230.76 (delta): 1.68448 6 (QN/Block) Elapsed: 0.004 Loglikelihood: -5230.4 (delta): 0.354782 7 (QN/Block) Elapsed: 0.004 Loglikelihood: -5230.3 (delta): 0.108616 8 (QN/Block) Elapsed: 0.004 Loglikelihood: -5230.29 (delta): 0.00442174 9 (QN/Block) Elapsed: 0.004 Loglikelihood: -5230.29 (delta): 0.000836584 10 (QN/Block) Elapsed: 0.004 Loglikelihood: -5230.29 (delta): 4.57572e-05 Summary: Converged in 10 iterations (0.06 sec) Loglikelihood: -5230.290922 Fst divergences between estimated populations: Pop0 Pop1 Pop2 Pop0 Pop1 0.060 Pop2 0.132 0.112 Pop3 0.079 0.076 0.102 CV error (K=4): 0.55229 Writing output files. **** ADMIXTURE Version 1.3.0 **** **** Copyright 2008-2015 **** **** David Alexander, Suyash Shringarpure, **** **** John Novembre, Ken Lange **** **** **** **** Please cite our paper! **** **** Information at www.genetics.ucla.edu/software/admixture **** Cross-validation will be performed. Folds=5. Random seed: 43 Point estimation method: Block relaxation algorithm Convergence acceleration algorithm: QuasiNewton, 3 secant conditions Point estimation will terminate when objective function delta < 0.0001 Estimation of standard errors disabled; will compute point estimates only. Size of G: 27x607 Performing five EM steps to prime main algorithm 1 (EM) Elapsed: 0.002 Loglikelihood: -6475.48 (delta): 18571 2 (EM) Elapsed: 0.002 Loglikelihood: -5943.63 (delta): 531.852 3 (EM) Elapsed: 0.002 Loglikelihood: -5819.24 (delta): 124.395 4 (EM) Elapsed: 0.001 Loglikelihood: -5740.04 (delta): 79.1913 5 (EM) Elapsed: 0.001 Loglikelihood: -5681.71 (delta): 58.3393 Initial loglikelihood: -5681.71 Starting main algorithm 1 (QN/Block) Elapsed: 0.006 Loglikelihood: -5185.17 (delta): 496.531 2 (QN/Block) Elapsed: 0.006 Loglikelihood: -5075.8 (delta): 109.372 3 (QN/Block) Elapsed: 0.006 Loglikelihood: -5052.04 (delta): 23.7617 4 (QN/Block) Elapsed: 0.006 Loglikelihood: -5046.07 (delta): 5.96992 5 (QN/Block) Elapsed: 0.005 Loglikelihood: -5044.27 (delta): 1.79624 6 (QN/Block) Elapsed: 0.005 Loglikelihood: -5043.8 (delta): 0.478296 7 (QN/Block) Elapsed: 0.006 Loglikelihood: -5043.73 (delta): 0.0675252 8 (QN/Block) Elapsed: 0.005 Loglikelihood: -5043.72 (delta): 0.0126962 9 (QN/Block) Elapsed: 0.005 Loglikelihood: -5043.7 (delta): 0.0130632 10 (QN/Block) Elapsed: 0.005 Loglikelihood: -5043.7 (delta): 0.00499407 11 (QN/Block) Elapsed: 0.005 Loglikelihood: -5043.69 (delta): 0.00338982 12 (QN/Block) Elapsed: 0.005 Loglikelihood: -5043.69 (delta): 0.00193095 13 (QN/Block) Elapsed: 0.005 Loglikelihood: -5043.69 (delta): 0.00120579 14 (QN/Block) Elapsed: 0.005 Loglikelihood: -5043.69 (delta): 0.000564244 15 (QN/Block) Elapsed: 0.005 Loglikelihood: -5043.69 (delta): 0.00011421 16 (QN/Block) Elapsed: 0.005 Loglikelihood: -5043.69 (delta): 9.62554e-05 Summary: Converged in 16 iterations (0.111 sec) Loglikelihood: -5043.691087 Fst divergences between estimated populations: Pop0 Pop1 Pop2 Pop3 Pop0 Pop1 0.149 Pop2 0.112 0.151 Pop3 0.098 0.116 0.104 Pop4 0.153 0.196 0.184 0.158 CV error (K=5): 0.60404 Writing output files.
Have a look at the Cross Validation error of each K
grep -h CV Results/log*.out
CV error (K=1): 0.46577 CV error (K=2): 0.47280 CV error (K=3): 0.50909 CV error (K=4): 0.55229 CV error (K=5): 0.60404
Save it in a text file:
grep -h CV Results/log*.out > Results/CV_logs.txt
Shift to the popgen course
Look at the distribution of CV error.
CV = read.table('Results/CV_logs.txt')
p <- ggplot(data = CV, aes(x = V3, y = V4, group = 1)) +
geom_line() + geom_point() + theme_bw() +
labs(x = 'Number of clusters', y = 'Cross validation error')
Q.7 What do you understand of Cross validation error? Based on this graph, what is the best K
Plotting the Q
estimates. Choose the K
that makes more sense to you and substitute it in the first line of code (right now it is K=3
tbl = read.table("Results/chr2_135_145_flt_prunned.gds.3.Q")
ord = tbl[order(tbl$V1,tbl$V2,tbl$V3),]
bp = barplot(t(as.matrix(ord)), legend.text = c("African", "2", "3"),
space = c(0.2),
xlab="Population #",
Note: Here we order the X-axis based on proportions for the first population component. However, you will see that in the HapMap data all the individuals show some portion of this component and the different individuals are more admixed in general, i.e they are no longer explained by mostly one component, it’s not useful to use that kind of ordering anymore to interpret the plot. Instead, we should keep the original order, since the files are originally ordered by population, and we should plot each population on the X axis to be able to interpret the plot. This can be achieved with something of the type:
#resize plot
options(repr.plot.width = 12, repr.plot.height = 8)
tbl = read.table( paste("Results/chr2_135_145_flt_prunned.gds.",K,".Q", sep="") )
origin <- rep( paste( rep("Pop", K), as.character(c(0:(K-1))), sep="" ) , each=dim(tbl)[1] )
population <- info[ pca$sample.id, ]$population
region <- info[ pca$sample.id, ]$region
regpop <- make.unique( paste(region, population) )
tbl <- as.data.frame(unlist(tbl))
colnames(tbl) <- 'Admixture_fraction'
tbl['origin'] = origin
tbl['population'] = rep(population,K)
tbl['region'] = region
tbl['region_population'] = regpop
ggplot(tbl, aes(fill=origin, y=Admixture_fraction, x=region_population)) +
geom_bar(position="stack", stat="identity") +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, vjust = 1, hjust=1))
Q.8 How many clusters do you identify in this plot? Does that agree with what was found using PCA?
In the following part of this exercise you will do both analysis (PCA and Admixture) using a different dataset. The data comes from the HAPMAP Consortium, to learn more about the populations studied in this project access here. The vcf file hapmap.vcf
, an information file relationships_w_pops_121708.txt
, as well as .bim, .bed, .fam
files (only to be used if you get stuck during the exercise) are available for the admixture analysis. This dataset is placed here: